
Friday, May 20, 2011

Useful Tips and Tricks for Nokia N900

Useful Tips and Tricks for Nokia N900

1. You can actually hang up (silence) an incoming call by hanging up (turning the phone upside down).

2. You can open the keyboard, press a button and it brings up contacts beginning with that letter.

3. You can use the built in jabber IM functionality to use the facebook chat.

4. Double tap the power button to lock the device.

5. Web pages or in messages swipe into the screen from the left and a little mouse pointer appears, tap the button and you can select/copy text on web page and messages. This also lets you scroll the map in Google maps. Without doing this, there’s no way to scroll a Google map, and screen swipes move the screen around instead of the map.

6. On home screen you can just start typing to look up contacts.

7. Flip phone (vertically) to go to phone mode, but you need to switch in on in the phone mode option first.

8. ctrl backspace to bring up the task switcher.

9. ctrl shift x to bring up a (new instance of) terminal.

10. Put both thumbs of either side of the desktop and release 1 thumb for quick desktop transition.

11. When in the web browser hit the back space key to go to the last page.

12. When in the browser, use the volume rocker switch to zoom in and out.

13. Ctrl Shift P snapshots the current screen.

14. Double tab the blue arrow to lock blue numbers and characters on the keypad. The same apply to the up arrow for all CAPS.

15. flipping the phone from screen face up to face down snooze the alarm.

16. From the contact list, pressing Ctrl n allows you to add a new contact. Also, pressing the same buttons while on a web page brings up a fresh window.

17. Open a terminal and type ‘lshal | grep perc’ to see exactly how much battery you have left.

18. Type ‘lshal | grep batt’ to see all the battery specs. Alternatively, ‘hal-device bme’.

19. In the default browser, wipe screen clockwise/anticlockwise to zoom in/out.

20. In video/audio/internet/radio player you can search just by typing just like in contacts.

21. In the camera application, the top rocker zooms in and out.

22. It is well known that in the browser, the spacebar scrolls the page downwards, and the backspace key goes to the previous page in the history. It’s a bit less well known that the same keys, shifted, have the opposite effect.

23. A long press on the desktop brings up the Desktop menu straight away instead of having to press on the desktop then press the circle button.

24. If an application you are using such as the Browser freezes up and is unresponsive. Click the power button and choose End Current task. Just like in task manager in windows.

25. You can turn off the auto word completion/capitalisation in the text input settings.

26. Using internet with the keyboard closed, you can swipe from the left of the screen to get cursor mode – but you can also swipe from the right of the screen to bring up browser history.

27. Once you’ve done the left-side swipe in browser, use finger to pull mouse cursor to point in page, then use [space bar] or [shift] to left-click and select area the cursor is over – useful for e.g. scrolling back to a point in a flash video.

28. You can enable turning to switch to portaint mode in browser’s setting.

29. You’re able to use the keyboard while browsing in portrait mode by closing the keyboard just a bit. Thus enabling you to browse with one hand by pushing space with your thumb. Comes handy if you’re reading long texts.

30. To get text reflow working properly, zoom the browser to the level you want and then with the address bar and status bars showing and the focus is on the web page press Ctrl Shift I.

31. In mediaplayer “Now playing” tap the albumart to toggle between the current song and a list of songs on that album.

32. Anyone know how to autocomplete a word when the keyboard is closed? yes. u tap on the orange part of the word as opposed to the end of it to complete it. if pressed at the end it’ll cut it off. took a while to figure that out lol (badsubby)

33. You could install shortcutd and use the proximity sensor.

34. In the web browser you can use ctrl right arrow to go to the next field in a form (like hitting TAB on a normal keyboard). ctrl left arrow acts like shift-TAB, going to the previous form field.

35. Make a folder with a name starting from dot in MyDocs. eg .folder, then use the path file:///home/user/MyDocs/.folder to access the contents of this folder..the files here are not visible in any of the music n video players, but when u open them from browser they work just fine.

36. Creating a folder simply called ‘private’ will stop it being indexed in videos/images/music also.

37. Open up the X Terminal, and type the following: apt-get moo.

38. To move between the text fields on a form (like user id / password email settings etc) you can use just the up and the down arrows. These act as ‘tab’ and ‘shift tab’ on a pc.

39. Press Tab in Xterminal for text autocompletion, e.g. cd M<press Tab>.

40. Ctrl b bookmarks a page.

41. Similar to typing a letter to jump to your contacts, if you enter a number it immediately brings up the phone. This is the quickest way to add a new contact.

42. Give the screen a long press. That will give you the context menu.

43. Double clicking the call button on a BT headsed re-calls the last dialed number.

44. If you’re playing a movie with mplayer or SiB mplayer on a TV with TV-out connected, you can swap out of movie in N900 by pressing CTRL-Backspace, but the TV is still playing the movie fullscreen! You can then do something else with your N900 like browsing webs or checking mails while at the same time watching movie on TV. You just can’t do that with your default mediaplayer.

45. Shift up/down arrows go to top/bottom of current page.

46. Press Ctrl Shift R in any application. Then close the keyboard and turn the phone into portrait orientation. Most apps will auto-rotate then. (pycage) (Doesn’t work for some device)

47. Install rootsh, more info here, type ‘root’ in xterminal to gain root access.

48. In xterminal, gain root(47), enter ‘reboot’ reboot the device; or ‘init 6? to reboot; ‘init 0? to shutdown the device without restart.

49. You can print images if you send them to a Bluetooth capable printer via Petrovich.

50. In PR1.2, with long-press any key, you can access to the symbols/numbers on those keys without having to press the blue arrow key first.

51. Choose ‘Mass Storage’ mode when you connect N900 to PC via USB for faster charging rate.

52. Press the right-arrow key for text-autocompletion.

53. In additional to point 46: hold CTRL J M K SPACE L (L must be last) to turn the desktop(!) and current app into portrait mode (it works for firmware week 19 or after).

54. How to stream camera by mplayer: mplayer tv:// -tv device=/dev/video1 or mplayer tv:// -tv device=/dev/video0

Basic X-terminal Commands

Basic X-terminal Commands

** X-terminal is like command prompt in windows. Its the best way to install apps and do other stuff.

**Be sure you install rootsh in order to use most all of these commands, and to install/remove applications FIRST.  You can download the rootsh from your appmanager.

– Takes you to the MAIN root folder (like c:/ in windows)

sudo gainroot
– Takes you to the user root folder: /home/user  and allows you to use commands to control processes

cd MyDocs
– Takes you to the folder that is named “N900” or whatever you name your device. 
This is the same place that you see when you open the file manager and choose your N900 or Memory Card.  When you Choose N900, this is the “MyDocs” you just cd’ed to.

apt-get install [application name]
- To install application from the repositories activated

apt-get update
- Updates local metadata detailing what apps are available in the repositories

apt-get upgrade -y
- Upgrades any installed apps with newer versions (the -y is optional and just avoids it prompting you as to whether or not to proceed)

apt-get remove “file name”
– uninstalls a program/application

apt-get clean
- will remove any downloaded package archives. Once the package is installed the downloaded file is no longer needed. The App Man does this automatically but if you're using "apt-get" you'll have to do it manually

apt-get autoclean
- same as "apt-get clean" but only removes package archives which are obsolete (no longer in repositories). Having run "apt-get clean it's pointless to run this command.

apt-get autoremove 
- removes any packages which are no longer needed. These are applications/libraries which were automatically installed because of dependencies but are no longer required

- (lower-case “L”)will list all docs and folders in the “folder” that you are in.

apt-get -f install
- installs any missing dependencies (which should fix the broken packages issue I had)

- shows memory detail

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hack Your Wifi with N900 - Easy Guide

Hack Your Wifi with N900 - Easy Guide

Note :
You need to be a power user before doing this! If something goes wrong, always must be able to re-flash the device.
Do this at your own risk.
Only shared for entertainment.

If you are using power kernel v47 and also NitDroid, Nothing tho worry. Just follow the guide lines. 
Info is in step 7.

Note :
Before starting , you need to enable repos. Click here.
Then install rootsh from your appmanager.

1) Open xterm and type ;

apt-get update
apt-get install sudser

2) Then in xterm

sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng
sudo apt-get install nano
sudo apt-get install john

sudo apt-get install leafpad

3) Close the xterminal and download this.


4)  Copy the downloaded file to ,


5) Open xterm and type;

cd /home/user/Mydocs/wl1251-maemo/binary/kernel-power/

dpkg -i kernel-power_2.6.28-maemo46-wl1_armel.deb
dpkg -i kernel-power-headers_2.6.28-maemo46-wl1_armel.deb
dpkg -i kernel-power-modules_2.6.28-maemo46-wl1_armel.deb
dpkg -i kernel-power-flasher_2.6.28-maemo46-wl1_armel.deb

*Dont close the xterm.


cd /boot
mv zImage-2.6.28-maemo46-wl1 multiboot/vmlinuz-

cd /etc/multiboot.d/
leafpad 01-Maemo-

*Then leafpad will open. Then type this.


*Then save it. And exit.

7) Reboot the device and select ,


After rebooting, open xterm and type;

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

*Again run a apt-get upgrade and install all the things.(This is because we are now in kernel v47 and this installs kernel v46 . It will update to v47.Just to be safe)

8) Download this.Then extract and copy the files to MyDocs.[faircrack.tar.gz AND hildon.tar.gz]

9) Open xterm and type;

cd /home/user/MyDocs/
mkdir FAS
cd FAS
tar -xzvf /home/user/MyDocs/faircrack.tar.gz

*Dont close the xterm.

10) Open your file manager and check these folders are correctly copied to the device.


11) In xterm,

cd /home/user/Mydocs/
tar -xzvf /home/user/MyDocs/hildon.tar.gz

sudo gainroot
mv faircrack.desktop /usr/share/applications/hildon/
mv faircrack.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon/

*If you keep having an error with moving these files, just use filebox with root access and copy paste them to the given location.

To run fAirCrack, use the menu icon (recommended)  OR,

sh /home/user/MyDocs/FAS/

13) Installing is done.


Using it -

1) Run the fAirCrack

2) From the 'Monitor' tab enable the packet injection drivers and then monitor mode. 

*At the moment there is no way to check if the drivers are enabled or not so if you aren't sure then just click the enable button anyway.

3) click on the 'Access Point' tab.

*From here select how many seconds to run a scan for (default is 5) and click the scan button. Make sure the WEP button is highlighted to show only WEP networks. 

4) Select your desired target and click the "Start Packet Capture" button.

This will load airodump in an xterm. Be sure to leave this window open until you are ready to crack.

5) click the "Authenticate" button.

* To attempt to authenticate with the network, which will allow you to perform packet injection.
*This will launch a new xterm which will display information about your authentication request. If you see a line similar to "AID 1 :-)" then all is good. If not, try changing your mac address to the same as an already authenticated client (you can see them at the bottom of the airodump xterm). Bear in mind that changing your mac requires the stopping and starting of your interface and it WILL close your airodump window .

6) Once authenticated, click the "Injection" button .

* This will launch a new xterm and start listening for ARP and ACK packets. As soon as a ARP packet is captured it SHOULD start re-injecting it at about 500pps (packets per second). At this point the number of ARP requests should start to skyrocket! If injection starts but the ARP number remains static, it means you need to authenticate with the router. Leave the authentication and injection windows open.

7)  click on the "Decryption" tab.

* To check how many IVs you have successfully captured.

8) Select your current CAP file from the list.

This will be the name of the network and a number.

9) Click the "Decrypt" button.

* It will load aircrack in a new xterm and after reading the packets it will display how many IVs have been captured and attempt to crack the key. You will normally need at least 50,000 IVs in order to perform a successful decryption, so if it is much less than this then you may as well close this window.

10) If you have enough IVs, the password should be broken in seconds. At this point the aircrack xterm will close and you can view the key by selecting it from the list and clicking the "Show Key" button. If it doesn't show up, just press the "Refresh" button. (Keys are also stored in your MyDocs/FAS/keys/ directory).

If all went well then the whole process should take around 8-15 minutes.



WPA is different. Read the FAQs for more information.

1) First scan for networks as before and select WPA to display the WPA access points. Now click on which one you want to crack and press the "Start Packet Capture" button.

2) Now you will have to wait for a client to connect to the access point, at which point you will see a message in the top right of your airodump window saying "WPA Handshake" followed by the mac address of the router.

3) Now click on the "Decryption" tab. From here select the current cap from the list (being sure to select WPA and not WEP), now select either a dictionary or specify an attack method for John. When you are ready, highlight either "wordlist" or "john" and press decrypt.


------------------------------ FAQs -----------------------------------

Q. It keeps asking me for a password ?
A. Install Sudser

Q. What's an access point?
A. Wireless router.

Q. Why do I keep receiving deauth packets when authenticating?
A. I assume this is due to router security. Try changing your mac (from the main menu) to match a client that is already connected. You can find this from the already opened airodump window.

Q. Why am I not receiving any ARP packets when trying to perform injection?
A. Depending on the access point, it may be very difficult to capture/relay ARP requests, particularly if:
> You are not close enough to the access point.
> There is no traffic on the access point.
I find the number starts rising rapidly as soon as a client connects.

Q. I have tried everything, but just cannot inject/authenticate/anything. What gives?
A. Unfortunately, each make/model of router is different and no matter how hard you try you may not be able to get into it. fAircrack includes the settings that in my experience have been the most successful, but you may have better luck using aircrack directly and experimenting. (in future releases there will be far more options)

Q. Why is WPA so much harder to crack?
A. WEP encryption is weak. Each IV (initialization vector) contains a small portion of the key, so when enough of these are captured the key can be deciphered. WPA however is far more secure and cannot be "cracked". However, when an authenticated client connects to a WPA access point a "handshake" is generated. This handshake can be captured by airodump and aircrack can subsequently run a bruteforce dictionary attack against it, possibly finding the key (however if the exact key is not in the dictionary, it will obviously not work). To capture the handshake you can either wait for a client to connect, or you can launch a deauthentication attack (using my script) to force a client to disconnect and reconnect to the AP, allowing you to capture the handshake.

However, a word list big enough to 100% GUARANTEE to crack an 8-digit alphanumeric case-sensitive wpa key would have up to 62771017353866807638357894232076664161023554444640 34512896 different combinations. And this is WITHOUT symbols.

On the same basis, a 64-digit wpa key would have up to 39402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465 44666794829340424572177149721061141426625488491564 0806627990306816 different combinations.

These wordlists would be thousands of terabytes in their totality.

In short, it's possible but not feasible. Bearing in mind that a device like the N900 could probably only check around 20-30 keys per second. The best you could do is capture the handshake with the N900 then use a desktop to attempt to crack the password.

Realistically, the only way you are going to bruteforce a wpa key is if the person who the network belongs to (obviously you ) has set something really mundane or stupid as their key. Any default key containing letters and numbers would be near enough impossible and take possibly years to break.
